How Auspicious is The Ganga Snan on Makar Sankranti?

How Auspicious is The Ganga Snan on Makar Sankranti?

Sun or (Surya) is the god who brings energy, prosperity, light and warmth to all the creatures of the earth. As we move into the mid of January, Sun is about to make a transition into Capricorn (Makar). This auspicious event of transition is called Makar Sankranti. The Sanatanis celebrate this festival with zeal and enthusiasm. Not only do people enjoy the Makar Sankranti Fair, but the kids across the nation also become eager to fly kites. On this day, millions of devotees around the globe would take a dip into the Ganga and bless their souls. It is believed that doing a ‘Ganga Snan’ on this day provides ‘Moksha’ or ‘liberation of the soul’  to the devotees. It is also said, that Ganga Snan on this occasion would fulfil all your wishes. Therefore, people across the nation participate in the fests and fairs around the ghats of Ganga.

The historical significance of Ganga Snan on Makar Sankranti

Ganga Snan holds a high significance in Sanatan Dharma. However, on Makar Sankranti, it is considered even more auspicious and fulfilling to take a dip in Ganga. There is a significant reason behind this practice. Makar Sankranti was the day when the Goddess Ganga blessed the earth with her presence for the first time. But why and how did she come on earth? The story that follows, it immensely interesting.           

The atonement of Raja Sagar and Bhagirath

When Kapil Muni enflamed all the 60,000 sons of Raja Sagar, Raja pleaded for the souls of his sons. Then Kapil Muni said that only Ganga can save his sons from eternal damnation. Raja Sagar then opted for penance and worshipped Ganga for years. This penance was continued by his great-grandson Bhagirath. After seeing Bhagirath’s unsurmountable devotion, Goddess Ganga agreed to land on earth and bless the souls of his ancestors. However, there was a huge catch in this process. If the goddess falls from heaven, her gargantuan flow could destroy earth into pieces.               

The help of Lord Shiva and the arrival of Ganga   

This led Bhagirath to worship Lord Shiva. He then asked Lord Shiva to sustain the goddess Ganga in his locks. That is how Goddess Ganga landed on earth for the first time. She came to Gangotri, then followed Bhagirath to the Ashram of Kapil Muni which is in Gangasagar, West Bengal. This way, she blessed the souls of Bhagirath’s ancestors and continues to bless the lives of all the creatures on earth.

Benefits of Ganga Snan on Makar Sankranti

It is said and largely believed that all the gods come and take a dip in the Ganges on this occasion. The gods disguised as humans would bless the humans with prosperity. Therefore, devotees all around the globe gather near the ghats of Ganga and do the Snan. In addition to this, Goddess Ganga would endow every soul with Moksha. Getting free from the cycle of birth and re-birth is called Moksha, hence it is of prime importance in Sanatan Dharma.  This was the day when Goddess Ganga accepted Bhagirath’s penance and fulfilled his wishes. Therefore, it is also considered as the day when Goddess Ganga would accept the prayers of every human. In addition to this, Ganga Snan also eliminates all the impurities and sufferings from the lives of humans.    

Pujas and rituals performed on Makar Sankranti

Surya Pujan : Since Makar Sankranti happens on the day of Sun’s transition, Surya Pujan has high importance. In this puja, human beings express gratitude to Lord Sun, for granting them energy, light and warmth.

Ganga Pujan: After devotees perform the Ganga Snan, they have to offer prayers to the goddess. Devotees express gratitude to Goddess Ganga for being the ultimate source of livelihood and survival.

Rituals and Charity:  On this day, It is significant to donate food (Anna) and clothes to the ones in need. In some parts of India, people cook  Khichdi (a dish made of rice, pulses and lentils) on this occasion. If you are interested in organising Makar Sankranti Puja for you and your family, you can reach out to Vaikunth. We offer the best pandits along with the necessary Samagris required for the Puja. Vaikunth ensures that your Puja happens smoothly and without any hindrance. The team wishes you an auspicious Makar Sankranti.  

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