Vat Savitri Puja 2024: Date, Time, Vidhi and Benefits

Vat Savitri Puja 2024: Date, Time, Vidhi and Benefits

Vat Savitri is one of the most regarded festivals in Sanatan Dharma, celebrated by married women. This festival holds a profound significance for married women across India, symbolizing peaceful marital journey, long life and dedication towards one's spouse. Every year Vat Savitri is celebrated, two days prior to the Amavasya or Purnima in the Jyestha month (May-June).

Religious Significance of Vat Savitri Puja 

As per Hindu Sashtra, Vat Savitri Vrat is performed by worshiping the Vat tree followed by keeping a strict fasting by married women for their husband’s long life. The Vat or Banyan tree plays a significant role in Hinduism. Banyan tree or Vat represents the three supreme deities of Hindus - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. By keeping a strict fast on this festival of Vat Savitri, women are able to bring good luck and prosperity to their husbands, just in the same way the legendary Savitri had brought back her husband from Yamraaj - the God of Death and Justice. 

The married women in the Northern India belt do Vat Savitri puja in Delhi, Rajasthan and other cities with great pomp and show.

When is Vat Savitri 2024?

This year, Amavasya Tithi of Vat Savitri Puja will start on June 5, 2024 and will end on June 6, 2024. In Purnimanta calendar Vat Savitri Vrat is observed during Jyeshtha Amavasya which coincides with Shani Jayanti. Some believe that celebrating Vat Savitri puja on the dark fortnight is known as the Vat Savitri Amavasi Vrat and some believe in celebrating the puja on a bright fortnight, which is known as Vat Savitri Purnima Vrat. The Vat Savitri Puja Purnima Vrat will be observed on June 21, 2024

Shubh Muhurat For Vat Savitri Puja This Year

This year, Shubh Muhurat for Vat Puja is between 7:54 PM on June 5th, 2024 to 6:07 PM June 6th, 2024. On this auspicious day, married women take a holy bath in the morning. Married women who wish to conduct this vrat and puja usually wear new colorful clothes, bright bangles and apply sindoor on the forehead. They put one leaf of Banyan on their hair. Women also offer nine types of fruits to the Goddess Savitri which includes, wet pulses, rice, mangos, jackfruits, palm fruits, kendu, bananas and several other fruits are offered as Bhoga (offering). Rest of the day, Savitri Vrat Katha is observed by them. Once ladies complete their vrat, they consume the Bhoga and take blessings from the husband and the elders in the family.

Performing Vat Savitri Puja Rituals with Authenticity

Traditionally the Vat pujan Vidhi of Vat Savitri Puja is done by Hindu married women near a Vat Vriksha outdoors. If it is not possible for you to perform the pujan Vidhi outdoors then you can even perform Vat Savitri puja at home by booking a Pandit for Vat Savitri Puja.

The pandits have the knowledge and expertise to help devotees perform the rituals of Vat Savitri Puja authentically. When you book pandit for Vat Savitri puja, you can perform the Puja with the right rituals and perform all the important steps and chanting the Mul mantra – Padmapatrasamasinam Brahmanam Cha Chaturmukham. Additionally, by performing the puja under the guidance of a knowledgeable pandit, you can enhance the puja's sacred ambiance.

Step by step Pujan Vidhi for Vat Savitri Puja

The Vat Savitri puja vidhi is performed by Hindus residing all over India as well as abroad. This puja is dedicated to Goddess Gauri and Sati Savitri mata. 
The following is a brief Puja Vidhi of Vat Savitri Puja, which can be performed by any married women from anywhere- at home, outdoors or any other intended location. 

  1. First step for Vat Savitri Puja is performed by Dhyana which should be done in front of the already installed Lord Brahma and Savitri statue in front of you.
  2. The devotees should chant the following Mantra while meditating on deity - Padmapatrasamasinam Brahmanam Cha Chaturmukham।
  3. After Dhyanam, one should chant the following Mantra to invoke Lord Brahma with Lokamata Savitri - Brahmana Sahitam Devim Savitrim Lokamataram। 
    a. Satyavratam Cha Savitri Yamam Chavahayamyaham॥
  4. Now you can offer water to Lord Brahma along with Savitri for Achamana (water for sipping)
  5. After Achamaniya, you can give a bath with Panchamrita (the mixture of milk, curd, honey, Ghee and sugar) to Devi Savitri.
  6. After Snanam, you can offer new clothes made of cotton and jewelleries to Mata Savitri
  7. After Snanam you can now offer Haldi, Kumkum, Sindoor as Saubhagya Dravya to Devi Savitri
  8. Now you need to take Gandha, Akshata and Pushpa in your left hand and leave them near the idol or image of Lord Brahma and Satyavan with your right hand.
  9. Now you can offer certain items to Goddess Savitri like haldi, chandan, rice, flowers, fruits, and sweets. 
  10. The Puja ends with the distribution of Prasadam among family members and the community. 

You may also book Vat Savitri puja at home by getting connected with the best pandits online at Vaikunth. 


As the auspicious ceremony of Vat Savitri brings the essence of marital harmony and longevity in your life, you must perform the rituals with great devotion and sincerity. By following a strict fast and worshiping a Banyan tree you will certainly gain profound strength to overcome any obstacles that may arise in front of you or your family.

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