Hanuman Jayanti 2024: Date, Auspicious Time and Spiritual Significance

Hanuman Jayanti 2024:  Date, Auspicious Time and Spiritual Significance

Hanuman Jayanti is marked by the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman and is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. If you explore Indian culture, you will find that people worship Hanuman Ji in different ways. Lord Hanuman is the well-known deity in Hinduism who is known for his loyalty, strength and devotion. When we invite his blessings in our lives, we also invite positivity, courage and strength in our hearts.  In this article, we will explore more about this auspicious festival, with its relevance in today’s world.

Spiritual Significance of Hanuman Jayanti

Hanuman Jayanti holds special significance in Hinduism. The word Jayanti is derived from a Sanskrit word  ‘Jaya’ which means victory and ‘anti’ means, at the end . In simple words, Jayanti means ‘Victory in the end’. Hanumanji assisted Lord Rama and helped him in seeking victory over evil Ravana. It was a victory of goods against the evilness of Ravana who wanted to conquer the world. In Upanishads and Hindu mythology, Hanumanji is considered as the ideal and dedicated devotee of Lord Rama. 

Auspicious Timings and Date or Tithis of Hanuman Jayanti

Hanuman Jayanti is observed in the month of Chaitra that is between April - May. According to Panchang, Hanuman Jayanti will be observed on Purnima i.e. on 23rd April, 2024  from 3:25 AM till 5:18 AM on 24th April, 2024. Performing the vidhis of Hanuman Jayanti Puja during Brahma Muhurta i.e. between  3:30 am to 5:45 am is considered ideal. 

Importance of Pandit - Assisted Hanuman Jayanti Puja at home

If you are seeking guidance on how to perform the Pujan Vidhi of Hanuman Jayanti Puja  perfectly, you need to talk to a Pandit or an astrologer near your area. It is always recommended to perform Hanuman Jayanti Puja at home under the expert guidance of a pandit. If you are away from your home or staying abroad, you can still perform the puja virtually by booking your puja slot into any reputed  spiritual websites.

The Pandits that are performing Hanuman Jayanti puja play a pivotal role in ensuring the authenticity and significance of the puja vidhi. With their deep understanding of the various aspects of Vedic literature, pandits offer invaluable assistance in conducting any type of worship. Whether it is reciting Hanuman Chalisa or performing rituals dedicatedly, pandits for Hanuman Jayanti puja will guide you through each step of the puja, creating a deep sense of spiritual awareness. 

Therefore, if you are keen to conduct Hanuman Jayanti puja at home, then you can easily book a pandit for Hanuman Jayanti Puja on Vaikunth. 

Puja Vidhi - Hanuman Jayanti Puja

The following are the steps for performing Puja Vidhi of Hanuman Jayanti Puja:

  • You can start your day with a vow to fast in order to maintain purity of body and soul.
  • Light a mustard oil lamp and chant Om shree Ramdut Hanumate Namah.
  • Offer some flowers by chanting Om Shree Ramdut Hanumate Namah Pushpam Samarpayani.
  • Offer agarbatti by chanting Om Shree Ramdut Hanumate Namah Dhoopam Agrapayami.
  • Then go back to your seat and read Hanuman Chalisa from your prayer book.
  • At the last you can offer sweets like besan ladoo and chant Om Shree Ramdut Hanumate Namah Naivaidayam Nivadayam.

If it is not possible for you to perform the ritual of Hanuman Jayanti Puja this way, then you can meditate instead. Any kind of meditation can work, where you just need to close your eyes and visualize the magnificent aura of Hanumanji as depicted in Ramayana.


In today's fast-paced and advanced era of 2024, the auspicious ceremony of  Hanuman Jayanti reminds us of the importance of self-control, resilience and courage. Hanuman Jayanti serves as a reminder of his  act of righteousness to establish victory of good over evilness.  By worshiping lord Hanumanji one can certainly attain the strength  to gain boundless courage in achieving common goals and aspirations. May Lord Hanuman usher all of us with all his might and vitality so that we can surmount all the complexities of modern life through devotion and determination. JAI  HANUMAN!

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